Merentha Website
- Overview
- About LPC Coding
- Header Files
- The Problem Sets
- Rooms
- Normal Rooms
- Monster Rooms
- Search Rooms
- Exit Rooms
- Door Rooms
- Monsters
- Normal Monster
- Random/Emote Monster
- Patrol/Talking Monster
- Skills/Interactive Monster
- Armour
- A Vest
- A Ring
- Cursed Armour
- Weapons
- Normal Staff
- Two Handed Sword
- Special Attack Weapon
- Cursed Weapon
- Talkin Weapon
- Lights
- A Match
- A Torch
- A Lantern
- Bags
- A Normal Bag
- A Backpack (wearable)
- An Expanding Bag
- Misc Objects
- A Leaf
- A Sea Shell
- A Key
- A Snowball
// Petrarch
inherit OBJECT;
void create() {
set_name("wood key");
set_short("a wooden key");
set_long("Its just like a normal key, but it's made of wood. It should work "
"on a door just like a normal key.");
set_id(({"key", "wood key", "wooden key"}));