Merentha Website
- Overview
- About LPC Coding
- Header Files
- The Problem Sets
- Rooms
- Normal Rooms
- Monster Rooms
- Search Rooms
- Exit Rooms
- Door Rooms
- Monsters
- Normal Monster
- Random/Emote Monster
- Patrol/Talking Monster
- Skills/Interactive Monster
- Armour
- A Vest
- A Ring
- Cursed Armour
- Weapons
- Normal Staff
- Two Handed Sword
- Special Attack Weapon
- Cursed Weapon
- Talkin Weapon
- Lights
- A Match
- A Torch
- A Lantern
- Bags
- A Normal Bag
- A Backpack (wearable)
- An Expanding Bag
- Misc Objects
- A Leaf
- A Sea Shell
- A Key
- A Snowball
// by Petrarch
// Forest room, file=f_room2.c
// This time with a few searches in it
// Searching the gound just tells you there are leaves. Searching the leaves
// lets you find one and moves it to the room.
inherit ROOM;
void create() {
set_short("lost in a forest");
set_day_long("This section of the forest is overgrown with tall "
"trees that stretch to the sky. They block out almost "
"all sunlight from above making it rather dark as well "
"as drop the occassional leaf to the ground.");
set_night_long("The forest is nearly completely dark. Any light "
"from the moons or stars is completely blocked out from "
"the tall overhanging trees.");
"forest" : "The forest is thich with trees.",
"sky" : "The sky can barely be seen though the tall trees.",
"ground" : "The ground is littered with leaves and twigs from "
"the tree braches above.",
({"leaves", "leaf", "twig", "twigs", "brach", "bracnches"}):
"Leaves and twigs litter the ground.",
({"tree", "trees"}) : "The trees stretch high into the sky.",
"light" : 1,
"night light" : 0,
"south" : "/realms/petrarch/forest/f_room3.c",
"north" : "/realms/petrarch/forest/f_room1.c",
void reset() {
set_search("leaves", (: this_object(), "leaf_searching" :));
set_search("ground", "There are some very beautiful leaves here on the ground.");
void leaf_searching() {
message("my_action", "After searching through all the leaves "
"you find a wonderful one among the them!", this_player());
message("other_action", this_player()->query_cap_name()+" finds "
"a wonderful leaf on the ground.", this_object(), ({ this_player() }));