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The Chronicles of Kevmor the Troll
by: Kevmor

Kevmor, the Making of the Troll Paladin
Kevmor Gets a Job
Kevmor Discovers Elven Women
Kevmor Rises Through the Ranks
Kevmor Finds a Guild
Kevmor Becomes Even More Important
Kevmor Finds Happiness
Kevmor Discovers Elven Women

Lance Corporal Kevmor was sitting around Riathan square relaxing and watching the various and sundry people pass him by. What better way to relax after a strenuous day of killing things for the kingdom? Kevmor spent a large part of this day musing about how he had a new home, but no one to share it with. Once again, Kevmor must have piqued the interests of the Gods, because they answered them in their strange way, as usual.


Let it be known that trolls are not ticklish.

With a very stern look oh his face, Kevmor turned around and looked down at the short (and now very scared) elf standing in front of him. Well, I’ll skip the small talk part and just get down to what happened.

And thus Kevmor married his first wife, Belya. There, that wasn’t so hard.

It was also during Kevmor’s service to the kingdom that he came across the little sister of the Great Dragon King Outlook, the Elven cleric, Paisley (don’t ask why she isn’t a dragon, it gets complicated). Kevmor looked after the Princess when he was able, and even got to enjoy the occasional run out to the southern continent with her. The normal conversation between these two went something like this.

"KEVMOR! Let’s go kill things!"

"Ok Princess, get your things ready and we’ll show those dwarves whose boss."

And thus Kevmor killed many things with the Elven Princess Paisley.

It was also later in Kevmor’s kingdom career that he came across another Elven babe. As Kevmor was walking along the path to the kingdom one day, someone suddenly jumped on his back and covered his eyes with their hands. This person should probably be glad that Kevmor was old enough at this time to suppress all his old troll instincts to yell out ‘SMASH!’ and promptly do that (as long as they weren’t a druid anyway).


Now Kevmor was at a loss here. He had no clue had just jumped on his back.

"Ummmm, female?"

"YAY! You got it right! I’m Lyssandra, lets be friends!"

And thus a great friendship (along with many baths and showers) was formed between Kevmor and the Elven Babe Lyssandra.

Kevmor, the Making of the Troll Paladin
Kevmor Gets a Job
Kevmor Discovers Elven Women
Kevmor Rises Through the Ranks
Kevmor Finds a Guild
Kevmor Becomes Even More Important
Kevmor Finds Happiness

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Merentha Entertainment
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Merentha Entertainment
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Images by Alkie and Desespoir